![]() by Kathie Niesen CMP So about 18 months ago, I discovered SPIN. I had left my job of 28 years, moved 1500 miles from home and was attempting to start my own business. I was also active in the same organizations that I had previously belonged to, great organizations but they just didn’t fit my life anymore. And so one day, I found the SPIN Linked In group, aha, here I found an interested and interesting group of people I could relate to, so I joined. And then I found the, “Want to Volunteer?” site and I couldn’t stop myself, what could I do remotely with no chapter in the vicinity– oh yeah, blog coordinator. Don’t tell Shawna or Catherine but I had to look up the definition of blog before I completed the form.
And then suddenly there was a meeting to attend – a leadership conference and SPINCon but it was back home (Chicago area) and I jumped at the chance to visit. I was a little nervous, my communication team colleague told me there would be a report expected (panic mode) but she assured me it was informal and not a big deal and I relaxed – okay not really. I was admittedly nervous, knowing only a few people and them only by phone or email. Well, let me tell you, I couldn’t have felt more welcome if these “SPIN” people were my brothers and sisters well one brother, the other just doesn’t get me. Seriously it was family from the start and laid back is not the word for it, one of our more prominent members actually wore her PJ’s and slippers to a general session but I won’t tell you who that was. And as much as the camaraderie was great, the depth of education made it an even more incredible experience. From Brain and Body Sessions to the Being and Business sessions to the keynoters, the experience was incredibly enriching. And we drank wine, plenty of it. I walked away a richer person in terms of the friendships and learning but I also got valuable insight into things like finding clients, networking, running my own business and so many of the things I learned I have put into practice and low and behold even gotten some business. So that was my first SPINCon, looking forward to my next one. I encourage those of you who haven’t been to consider it, it is an experience like no other meeting out there, promise that you won’t regret it. And bring the nice pajamas, the one without the holes. Kathie Niesen, CMP is the Owner of KMN Meetings and Events. She plans meetings of all sizes. Consulting services include instructional design, working with volunteers and faculty development. She is the SPIN Blog Coordinator and a member of PCMA. You can contact her at [email protected] Any views or opinions represented in this blog belong to the writer and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinion of SPIN. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of this information. This blog may not be copied and published without the written permission of the writer and SPIN. Have something to say? Say it on The Chatter, SPiN members are invited to submit Blogs for publication in The Chatter. If you are interested send an email to [email protected]. Let us know what you want to blog about and we will contact you.
![]() by Shawna Suckow, CMP I have a dirty little secret…I am addicted to Pokemon Go. Shhh, don’t tell anyone, because for this…ahem…woman nearing a certain age, it’s a little embarrassing. I end up at the local park during my walks, hunting Pokemon with nobody in sight but other teenage boys. It’s a little strange, I admit.
The funny thing is that there are a growing number of adults getting on the Pokemon bandwagon – usually pushed onto that bandwagon by one of their teenagers, as I was. I’m fascinated by how this game can track me down to my front door using GPS, and superimpose little creatures right in front of me. It got me thinking about how we can use tracking technology at meetings. I recently attended the ASAE national meeting in Salt Lake City, and an exhibitor there provided optional foam stickers on the back of our badges, which were embedded with tracking capabilities. Sign me up!! Each individual’s unique sticker was integrated into the event app. At any given time, I could log in and see where I had been – all the exhibitors I had visited, how long I had visited with each one, and also the educational sessions I had attended. Not only that, but each exhibitor had a handy record of visitors at the end. Furthermore, the planner could capture attendance at each session – great for tracking credit hours. Also great as an upsell to exhibitors as a replacement of the clunky hand scanners. Very cool! Think of how you might integrate tracking technology into your meetings, and for what strategic purpose. You could combine the tracking technology with a Pokemon-type game, giving points for how engaged your participants are. They would accrue points for how many exhibitors they visit, how many sessions they attend, etc. Using beacons that are quite affordable, you could send signals to participants’ phones when they walk by a certain location. Greet them by name when they arrive at breakfast in the morning, and let them know the omelet station is on the right. Remind them of the bus departure time when they leave the final session of the day. Welcome them to a particular educational session and give them the log-in code for the speaker’s materials, or share the twitter hashtag for the event. As accurate as this new tracking technology is, you could even integrate the tracking technology to ensure the right meals are delivered to participants with special requests. I’m not sure how exactly this would work, but somebody out there needs to be creating an app for it! The applications for this cool technology are endless. I’d love to hear your thoughts on how you’re trying out one of these strategies. And hey, if you want to go Pokemon hunting at SPINCon, we can keep it between us. Shawna Suckow, CMP is the founder of SPIN. After more than 20 years as a planner, her new role with SPIN forced her into public speaking – a spotlight she always dreaded to the point of nausea! After a year launching new SPIN branches, she decided speaking wasn’t so bad, and she began to enjoy it. Today, she now spends her time speaking to audiences all over the world about buyer behavior and consumer trends. If you ever think your career can’t do a complete 180, think again! (p.s. hire her to speak at your business conferences!). www.shawnasuckow.com. Any views or opinions represented in this blog belong to the writer and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinion of SPIN. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of this information. This blog may not be copied or published without the written permission of the writer and SPIN. Have something to say? Say it on The Chatter, SPIN members are invited to submit Blogs for publication in The Chatter. If you are interested send an email to [email protected]. Let us know what you want to blog about and we will contact you. ![]() by Michael Vennerstrom, CMP Relationship Coaching isn't a one-session solution. It can often take many sessions to overcome the poor habits and resentments that have developed over time. However, there are a few keys that can reduce the tension and start the healing process immediately. Learning to fight fairly is one of those keys.
Fights can occur in relationships regardless of the quality of the communication and the best intentions of the partners. Sometimes they are over a big issue, but often they begin over a small infraction and then escalate into a major fight over something totally unrelated to the original issue. However, they don't have to follow that pattern. By establishing and following a few simple rules, most issues can be resolved before they become damaging to the relationship. In my Relationship Coaching sessions, I encourage my clients to adopt these rules for fair fighting:
The first step in Relationship Coaching is to reduce the tension and build skills to communicate effectively. Fighting fairly helps a couple focus on a single specific issue so that they can constructively work together to find a solution. Michael Vennerstrom is a Certified Life Coach and Certified Relationship Coach. After successful careers in theater and television, planning live communication events and twenty years owning and managing a meeting planning company, Mike made a decision to concentrate his energies on helping people live a more fulfilling life. Mike's personal struggles to overcome addiction, depression, grief, cancer, and divorce provided powerful lessons in overcoming adversity and living a fulfilling and purposeful life. Forged in the crucible of life experience and personal hardship, Michael has emerged as a strong and compassionate man focused on sharing the strength and knowledge gained in real-life experiences. Mike is a long-time SPIN volunteer, having recently served as Interim Executive Director and is currently acting as Director of Strategic Stuff. This blog was originally published Michael Vennerstrom's website www.personaladvocates.net Any views or opinions represented in this blog belong to the writer and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinion of SPIN. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of this information. This blog may not be copied and published without the written permission of the writer and SPIN. Have something to say? Say it on The Chatter, SPiN members are invited to submit Blogs for publication in The Chatter. If you are interested send an email to [email protected]. Let us know what you want to blog about and we will contact you. |
Blog CoordinatorKathie Niesen, CMP Blog WritersMembers of SPiN Archives
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