In this issue
March Newsletter, by Stephanie Veiga, CMP
The March SPIN Newsletter is a celebration of our wonderful Sponsor, Visit Anchorage
Creativity – A World Not Only of Arts and Crafts
Building Relationships through Networking (the fun way)
Pics You’ll LOVE!
March Newsletter, by Stephanie Veiga, CMP
The March SPIN Newsletter is a celebration of our wonderful Sponsor, Visit Anchorage
Creativity – A World Not Only of Arts and Crafts
Building Relationships through Networking (the fun way)
Pics You’ll LOVE!
Cut to an image of me flipping the calendar from February to March. Here’s what happens next.
*Yes, I absolutely 100% put that video on and danced my bum-bum around the room before I went back to the computer to finish this newsletter. |
What do we have in store for you for this month’s SPRING SPIN Newsletter? Well, it’s a mish-mosh mash-up of stuff that’s been stewing around in my head for several weeks before it flows full force from my fingertips to the keyboard. So, WATCH OUT kids, and don’t run with your tablet while reading this month’s Newsletter or you’ll surely poke your eye out! But if you’re gonna poke your eye out, you could make the most of it by doing it in, say…Anchorage, Alaska. But save your good eye for the amazing scenery.
Anyhoo…READ ON!
Anyhoo…READ ON!
Creativity – A World Not Only of Arts and Crafts
If you were to ask me years ago if I was a creative person, I would have told you that without a doubt in my mind that I am most certainly NOT a creative person. You see, I was solely judging creatively from what I considered an artistical standpoint which had to do with paint, markers, and crayons. That’s all, no other creativity in the world, move along, nothing to see here… Good Day Sir!
Now, flash forward to my late 40’s when I embarked on a journey of no return. Little did I know that the steps I was about to take would change my life and my way of thinking, forever. I am so grateful there were people who have taken that same journey before me to help guide and mentor me along my way. But what’s this have to do with creatively? EVERYTHING! Because now I see with full rose-colored glasses on the beauty of this world around me, and here are some of the things that shine creatively among them. THE SPIN NEWSLETTER – Sure this is probably just my shameless plug about the writing I get to do each month. But to be honest, there’s nothing SHAMELESS about it because I’m FUNNY! I honestly wish you could see the Cheshire-like sh*t eating grin that I wear each time I begin to write it. Yes, sometimes I burst out laughing at my own words on the computer screen. Sometimes I read it several times because I’m so tickled. I too hope you enjoy this labor of LOVE as much as I enjoy writing it. You know what else I think you’d love? Just spit-balling here, but I say Anchorage, Alaska. |
The designer behind Soul 51 Designs is Lisa Demmi, and not only did she do a knock-down, drag-out, spot-on Bob Ross when she taught us how to paint goats (remember this?)… |
But Bob (ahhem Lisa) also made THESE AMAZING shoes for our dear SPIN Member Bonni Sofka Scepkowski! You can check out more from Lisa and her Soul 51 Designs on her Facebook page at:
CREATIVELY COOKING OATMEAL: Recipes can be a very creative outlet, and I’ve been getting pretty creative with my oatmeal recipes. Check out some of my recent favorites, and hey, don’t knock it till you try it: The base for all of these recipes is:
Now, the fun part! The Mixology of Oatmeal! (if that's a real thing)
I bet you can find some delicious oatmeal at any of these great restaurants in Anchorage Alaska ( |
Hello to Our Dear Sponsor!
This month is a surprise, flash-appreciation issue for our wonderful SPIN Sponsor: Visit Anchorage Alaska
Check out their website and download their Official Meeting Planner's Guide packed full of great things to see and do!
Check out their website and download their Official Meeting Planner's Guide packed full of great things to see and do!
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Please press buttons below to activate your SUPERPOWER!
Here's the's free, it's only available on Facebook, but you have to be a planner with 10+ years' experience to qualify. |
Suppliers can join only if they are one of our amazing SPIN Sponsors, Like Anchorage Alaska. Come and see what the cool kids are doing! Learn more below.
Building Relationships through Networking
(the fun way)
OK kids, now that we’ve discussed peanut butter and jelly, it’s time to board the Way Back Mobile. Let’s go! (You in the back, stop dilly-dallying, we’re all waiting for you to get in the Way Back Mobile NOW, or I’ll pull out the hairbrush I SWEAR that I’m not kidding)! Good, now that we’re all seated, buckle up kids because we’re going for a ride to discuss NETWORKING. Too bad, you’re already buckled in, you can’t get out now and besides the child locks are on. (in the distance a shout is heard from the backseat “NOOoooooooo I HATE networking…….”)
Doodleloot, doodleloot, doodleloot (the sound that Wayne and Garth make when they go back in time)…
You are traveling back to childhood, you’re on a playground with other children. (You know where else you can travel? Anchorage Alaska) Now, back to our childhood story… Bobby comes skipping up then stands in front of you and proceeds to ask in rapid-fire succession “What’s your name? Where are you from? What’s your favorite color? Do you like turkeys? I had turkey for dinner last night with mashed potatoes. What did you eat for dinner? Want to go play tag?”
LOL – Bobby is an inquisitive boy, but we can all learn a lot from Bobby because he just mastered the art of NETWORKING! (insert the Introvert’s cringe here)
Doodleloot, doodleloot, doodleloot (the sound that Wayne and Garth make when they go back in time)…
You are traveling back to childhood, you’re on a playground with other children. (You know where else you can travel? Anchorage Alaska) Now, back to our childhood story… Bobby comes skipping up then stands in front of you and proceeds to ask in rapid-fire succession “What’s your name? Where are you from? What’s your favorite color? Do you like turkeys? I had turkey for dinner last night with mashed potatoes. What did you eat for dinner? Want to go play tag?”
LOL – Bobby is an inquisitive boy, but we can all learn a lot from Bobby because he just mastered the art of NETWORKING! (insert the Introvert’s cringe here)
You see, networking doesn’t have to be a terribly painful thing, if you make a game out of it, and here are some easy-peasy networking steps you can try the next time you get all bristly (just like that hairbrush).
Be Inquisitive Here are several thought provoking questions
Introverts Unite #InniesUnit – Afraid to go to the networking event alone? Then don’t! Bring a friend with you, go as a team.
Find Common Ground – Along with the questions noted previously, another way to get to know someone is finding common ground. Typically, this can be done by asking about what TV shows the person watches, or what they like to do while on vacation.
Make it your life’s will to make the other person comfortable. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. EVERYBODY is afraid of networking!!! Well, mostly everybody! Why don’t you make it YOUR job to make another person feel more comfortable? Find that person standing around looking awkward and go talk to them! I’ll bet they’re kind of glad you did... well, maybe.
Make a game out of it – Start out your networking experience by giving yourself a challenge, like “I’m going to talk with at least 4 new people”, then check-in with yourself at the end of the networking event. Did you make your goal? Did you surpass it? If not, how can you adjust it for next time to ensure success.
When making calls or setting up virtual discussions, ask someone up front for just 8 minutes. Typically, this is a good amount of time for a quick call and a short discussion. You can let the person know, "Hey I was thinking about you and wanted to just reach out, got about 8 minutes"?
Now you have some tricks and tasks to get you through that next networking function, and hopefully it will feel a little less like this:
What is your name?... It is Arthur, King of the Britons
What is your quest?... To seek the Holy Grail.
What is the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?... What do you mean? An African or European Swallow?
Huh? I don't know that! EEEEEEAAAARRGH!!! [cast into the GORGE!]
Be Inquisitive Here are several thought provoking questions
- What was your favorite game to play when you were kid?
- What is the last business book you read? How about a fiction book?
- Are you more productive in the morning or at nighttime?
Introverts Unite #InniesUnit – Afraid to go to the networking event alone? Then don’t! Bring a friend with you, go as a team.
Find Common Ground – Along with the questions noted previously, another way to get to know someone is finding common ground. Typically, this can be done by asking about what TV shows the person watches, or what they like to do while on vacation.
Make it your life’s will to make the other person comfortable. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. EVERYBODY is afraid of networking!!! Well, mostly everybody! Why don’t you make it YOUR job to make another person feel more comfortable? Find that person standing around looking awkward and go talk to them! I’ll bet they’re kind of glad you did... well, maybe.
Make a game out of it – Start out your networking experience by giving yourself a challenge, like “I’m going to talk with at least 4 new people”, then check-in with yourself at the end of the networking event. Did you make your goal? Did you surpass it? If not, how can you adjust it for next time to ensure success.
When making calls or setting up virtual discussions, ask someone up front for just 8 minutes. Typically, this is a good amount of time for a quick call and a short discussion. You can let the person know, "Hey I was thinking about you and wanted to just reach out, got about 8 minutes"?
Now you have some tricks and tasks to get you through that next networking function, and hopefully it will feel a little less like this:
What is your name?... It is Arthur, King of the Britons
What is your quest?... To seek the Holy Grail.
What is the average air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?... What do you mean? An African or European Swallow?
Huh? I don't know that! EEEEEEAAAARRGH!!! [cast into the GORGE!]
(You know where you can take some ah-maxing springtime pics? Anchorage. Yep.)
(You know where you can take some ah-maxing springtime pics? Anchorage. Yep.)