![]() by Eliz Greene Based on the results of our job stress study (thank you to those who participated), SPIN members are stressed. That isn’t a surprise, but the top stressors may be.
SPIN members are most stressed by pressure of getting everything done. This result is consistent with the findings for the nearly 1000 people participating in the first phase of the study. A very small percentage, only 4 members out of the 52 responding, indicated a work-life balance factor (their job negatively affecting personal life) was their personal top stressor. So what does that mean? If we only focus on work-life balance issues, we are trying to solve the wrong problem. We don’t lack balance. We have trouble with busy. Sure, stress recovery strategies such as meditation or laughter temporarily relieve the symptoms of stress, but they don’t address the underlying problem: We are just too darned busy! What is the Trouble With Busy? It Clouds Priority: We all are steeped in a swirl of obligations and commitments all screaming for our attention. With so much in the environment, it is easy to lose track of what is important. So you should Sort The Swirl: During my closing keynote at SPINCon 2016, I shared an exercise using sticky notes to sort through the swirl to pull out the three things most important. Taking time to step back and look at all of the things calling for your attention, looking at which bring your energy and which suck your energy away, is eye-opening. I was thrilled to see some of you crumbling up sticky notes and pitching them away! It Masquerades As Success: As a society, we’ve come to equate busy with successful. Leisure time has lost value and in some cases taking the time to do something for pure enjoyment is viewed as lazy or indulgent. So you should Focus On The Bubble: When you know what is most important, success becomes defined by your own “bubble of contentment” rather than outside measures. This metaphorical bubble around yourself and two other things should be immune from the swirl of life and stress around it. Crowds Out Time For Recovery: No one can withstand high stress levels indefinitely, recovery time is essential. Yet, sometimes the sticky note causing us the most stress can’t be crumpled up and thrown away. So you should Don An Emotional Hazmat Suit to protect your health from things you cannot control! How are you taking on The Trouble With Busy? Motivational speaker Eliz Greene shatters the myth of work-life balance with groundbreaking research and a killer keynote. She gave the closing keynote at SPINCon 2016 as well as cohosting the SPINCon Live virtual broadcast. She’s at home in a pair of heels, but can often be found scraping bottom paint off a sailboat or working on a diesel engine. Find out more at ElizGreene.com and ConferenceTalkShow.com Any views or opinions represented in this blog belong to the writer and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinion of SPIN. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of this information. This blog may not be copied and published without the written permission of the writer and SPIN. Have something to say? Say it on The Chatter, SPiN members are invited to submit Blogs for publication in The Chatter. If you are interested send an email to [email protected]. Let us know what you want to blog about and we will contact you.
![]() by Laura Howe, CMP How many of you can say that you have 2,600 friends? I can and actually, all you can too! Being a member of SPIN is more than professional education, it’s a network of senior-level planners all speaking the same language and passionate about the hospitality industry.
Am I saying that you will call these 2,600 people sharing all your secrets? No, but what I can promise is that our members are dealing with the very same challenges as you. SPIN has uniquely cultivated communities’ where members can share ideas, seek advice, hire a planner, and learn new ways of doing things. My advice: Get involved! Network! Become an active member! I’ve been volunteering as the Director of Membership for two years now. The opportunities and support that I have encountered is awesome. I’ve met some really great people that I may have otherwise not had access to, received support and first-rate advice when launching my business, was hired to partner with a SPIN member on a job opportunity, and am continuously soaking in the information that I learn from the members of the monthly SPIN Mastermind group I joined. I owe a lot of my success this past year to SPIN. SPIN provides many ways for you to get involved, take advantage of your instant network. Laura Howe, CMP is the Owner of LH Global Events, LLC, an event management company based out of Massachusetts. Good at wearing multiple hats, Laura also volunteers as SPIN’s Director of Membership. Contact her at [email protected] and Follow her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LHGlobalEvents Any views or opinions represented in this blog belong to the writer and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinion of SPIN. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of this information. This blog may not be copied and published without the written permission of the writer and SPIN. Have something to say? Say it on The Chatter, SPiN members are invited to submit Blogs for publication in The Chatter. If you are interested send an email to [email protected]. Let us know what you want to blog about and we will contact you. ![]() by Elizabeth McCormick Winston Churchill once said, “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” Although while in the pursuit of perfection, change is required, the fact is with today’s fast pace of technology, innovation, and business, change is our constant companion. When I was flying Black Hawk helicopters for the US Army, the missions would change on a daily basis: Air Assault, Command and Control, flying generals and VIPs, and even top secret military intelligence missions (SHHHHHH!). Then I had a new mission, as a disabled veteran who lost her flight career and had to find a new way; 8 years in Corporate America later, a layoff forced new changes and a new business: motivational speaking. I’m not a stranger to change, and even today, the audiences, locations and venues change. Change is the constant. And in the presence of change, you have a choice to resist or persist! Here are four NEAT strategic ways to be more resilience: Navigate (Set Your Flight Plan) Do you ever go to bed at night wishing you had more day left? The first thing that you can do each morning, (starting now) is to take a few minutes of each day and contemplate what you need to accomplish for that particular day and how you can achieve them in a positive manner. We all have some things that get in the way of us achieving what we want to each day, the best thing that we can do is to recognize those behaviors and focus on changing them. By making this small adjustment in your routine, you will likely be able to accomplish your daily goals and not wishing you had more time in the day. Evaluate (Don’t Get Stuck) If you feel like your life is stuck in a rut, the good news is it is not a permanent condition. To overcome this obstacle, take a close look at your current life and take note of what may be contributing to this feeling. Once you have located the source of this feeling, you should then look at how it is affecting your life. Armed with knowledge, you will then be able to make the necessary changes to help alleviate this stuck feeling. The key is to shift your awareness. Any effort made is better than being stuck! Aviate (Take Action) Participating in a regular exercise routine is also a great way to make a positive change in your life. Don’t start out running a marathon, but simply starting with a walk around your offices or your neighborhood is a great first step. Becoming physically active will not only help improve your overall level of health, but it can also improve your mental outlook on life as your blood starts moving faster and your brain receives more oxygen. When you are physically strong, it’s easier to be resilient emotionally when the need arises. Terminate (Limiting Thinking) If it doesn’t advance you further, or if it’s out of your control set it free. We may not be able to control the change around us, but we can focus on that which we CAN do. When stop the thinking of what was and start focusing on the possibilities of what we can do in the opportunities we have, you might just end up as the one who is changed. Through the NEAT Tactics- you can increase your self-awareness in the face of change, you can make a positive impact in your life NOW, leading to a happier and more fulfilling (and NEAT) life later. A decorated US Army Black Hawk pilot, Elizabeth flew command and control, air assault, top-secret intelligence missions and also transported high-level government VIPs. Now, Elizabeth keeps attendees on the edges of their seats, turning her experiences into lessons that any audience can implement into immediate action. Elizabeth speaks at 100+ engagements per year and is an in-demand Leadership and Sales Motivational Business Success Speaker, bringing a celebrity experience to events. You'd never guess Elizabeth grew up so shy she wouldn't call her own hairdresser for an appointment! Find out more at: www.YourInspirationalSpeaker.com. Elizabeth is the Opening Keynote Speaker at SPINCon 2016 Any views or opinions represented in this blog belong to the writer and do not necessarily reflect the view or opinion of SPIN. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information and will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the use of this information. This blog may not be copied and published without the written permission of the writer and SPIN. Have something to say? Say it on The Chatter, SPiN members are invited to submit Blogs for publication in The Chatter. If you are interested send an email to [email protected]. Let us know what you want to blog about and we will contact you. What really causes stress at work? Is Work LIfe Balance even possible? How stressed are SPIN members? Complete the survey below and Eliz Greene during her closing keynote at SPINCon www.surveymonkey.com/r/job-stress-spin |
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